When an emergency strikes how can you ensure that you have an endless supply of hot water even when there is no electricity? Endless hot water without electricity is no longer a dream!
Even our modern world there are times that power outages happen for reasons beyond our control. At those times you will be left with no hot water for sanitation, cooking, or even coffee or tea.
What if you had to live without hot water for weeks? months? Or even years?
How would you manage?
Boiling and cooking without power or electricity is a skill that everyone should learn so that they are prepared for when disaster strikes.
Here Are A Few Great Techniques For Creating Endless Hot Water Without Electricity.
Sebastien And Isabelle Created An Off-Grid Water Heater With Just A Simple Handmade Cob Stove, Water Barrel, And Copper Pipes! No Pump! No Propane!
A rocket stove is a simple stove with 3 openings: the one at the bottom for building your fire, the middle one is to feed wood to the fire, and the one at the top is a chimney.
By winding copper pipes inside the cob walls of the chimney, water in the pipes is heated up and circulated from the water barrel, around the rocket stove, and back into the barrel by a process called: thermosiphon.
This passive heat exchange that doesn’t require electricity or propane!